James Heath ARA

James Heath

James Heath ARA

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The Process Of Art Reproduction and Shipping details

Once we receive your order, Our artist will contact you and keep you updated on the progress through email, skype, or what's app. The Item will be entirely hand-painted with oil on cotton canvas. We use only top-quality materials to reproduce paintings. Once the painting had started you cannot cancel the order. For any reason If you insist on us stopping the painting in the middle of the process, we will refund your money after deducting a small amount from the total cost.

After receiving the order through our website we will contact you and send you the progress weekly through your email.

Reproduction of oil painting is very expensive and a time taking process. The completed painting requires at least a week for drying completely. After that, we apply two layers of protective coating to secure the painting from dust and mold. Only completely dried painting can apply a coating or the painting will be damaged. The process of painting may take more than 4 weeks to 6 weeks based on the size and complexity.

For stretching, We will add a 1.6" additional white canvas border on all four sides for stretching purposes. We do not provide stretched canvas due to several issues. We cannot take the risk of damage while shipping. Also, there are size limitations for sending framed canvas. Shipping a large-sized stretched canvas might cost more than a painting itself. So we suggest you find a nearby local shop for the framing process.

After showing the final result to the customer for approval and after painting dried and ready for shopping. we will send you the painting in a fine hard plastic tube. You will receive a courier tracking number by e-mail.

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Example Videos of Oil Painting Reproduction

Lady with an Ermine

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Why Buy From Us?

  • Museum-Quality oil painting reproduction.

  • If you are not satisfied with our work quality after reviewing, the item can be returned for a full refund within 30 days of receiving. After receiving the painting, you are free to return it for a request a full refund. The return shipping charge must be paid by the customer himself.

  • 100% hand-painted using best quality materials.

  • +1.6" (4cm) Borders for Stretching.

  • Painted by talented and graduated artists.

  • Zero sales tax, There is no sales tax even if you order from any country. International customers may sometimes have to pay import tax and we are not responsible for that.

  • Free shipping worldwide.

  • 10-year warranty.

  • Process time 4 to 6 weeks only.

  • Contact artist directly to see work progress.

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All orders will be delivered to your doorstep by FedEx, DHL, or UPS couriers

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We accept PayPal payments. Just select PayPal as the payment method during the checkout process. You can use most debit cards and credit cards. Please note, you don’t need a PayPal account to complete the payment.

About original painting

Artist: Lemuel Francis Abbott (1760–1802)

Object type: Painting

Genre: portrait

Medium: Oil on canvas

Original Dimensions:36 in. x 27 in.

Collection: National Portrait Gallery

Source/Photographer: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Navy

National Portrait Gallery: NPG 1260

About James heath

James heath was born in london on April 19, 1757. His father, George heath, is a farmer from Horton in Staffordshire and his mom, which we recognize her maiden call, hunball. Heath learns engraving with joseph collyer, a taskmaster, then considered an eminence very diligent, heath received exceptional technical ability. His early prints are a number of the pics in the edited collection of the works of Horace walpole and numerous pictures to illustrate the works and correspondence of lord orford.

He become then hired to engrave the designs of Thomas stothard for novelists' magazine james harrison and poets turned into of robert bell the flavor and dexterity with which he carried out those small illustrations gave this style of illustration first-rate reputation . He married round 1777 elizabeth, daughter of the reverend thomas, a welsh clergyman, with whom he had a son, george heath . James heath intense numerous drawings or art work Stothard, Robert smirke and others that can be observed inside the british classics john sharpe, the female's poetical magazine , the arabian nights ( the Arabian nights ) Forster, Leonidas of Richard glover and lots of similar versions of famous works . In 1780, he exhibited three prints on the exhibition of the Society of Artists of Great Britain . In 1786, heath changed into hired by means of john boydell for his formidable Boydell Shakespeare gallery venture to engrave art work for the folio posted by using boydell.

In 1791 he changed into elected associate engraver of the royal academy and, in 1794, he become appointed history engraver of king george iii , a publish he retained below successive rulers until his loss of life. Around 1822, he retired, and bought his stock of proofs and other engravings at public sale that year . James heath died in top notch Coram road, London, on November 15, 1834 . He leaves two sons, together with charles ( 1785-1848), an illegitimate son, who becomes a good engraver, and a daughter, Mrs. Hamilton, who also has “a few printmaking abilities”

Many institutions hold works by James Heath, including the British Museum , Tate Gallery , National Gallery of Art , National Portrait Gallery , Royal Academy , National Gallery of Scotland , Philadelphia Museum of Art , the Metropolitan Museum of Art , the Minneapolis Institute of Art , the National Gallery of Canada , the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec , theAuckland Art Gallery , Te Papa Tongarewa or the National Maritime Museum Sydney

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